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Trustee Bi-election 2017

The candidates have provided the following additional information


allroundmanc - Anoush

So, as you know I am standing for trustee, obviously, I hope to gain your vote but not just make a load of promises like politicians do and then once they get in not abide by them. I have been a part of the Collared community for over 5 years, which between 2012-2015 I was a part of the management team with running the cloakroom at London events and then also getting the Manchester social going as at the time I was the only Manchester based team member. With the help of id:Puppy, id:ChrisManch and id:Vixeon then quickly turned into a monthly event.

Then few months into Manchester event I left to emigrate to Guernsey for a year, then since coming back to England last year and living in London I have been regularly attending events and managed to get to Manchester couple of times.

Through Collared over the years, I have developed some good friendships and also its done a lot for me in my confidence as a person. I remember back when I first attended a London event I was so nervous and how welcoming people where from team members to just other people that I was introduced too. I have seen this continue to happen over the years and its one the many reasons why Collared has been such a success in London and Manchester. Not saying that its perfect and I am sure that there is plenty still that can be done to ensure that new comers to the club who are new to kink and been into kink long time feel welcome in a safe environment.

I think both events have a lot of potential to continue be a part of the wider community and maybe we can explore taking Collared too other cities for special events alongside possibly see if we can make the Manchester event twice a month with the incredible growth too over 100+ now every month so much so that its now meeting in the main bar of The Eagle.

The website was overhauled few years back; Jim and Pete have done a great job too keep the website going as volunteers. The new recent features are a great addition and obviously as the website has grown to the point where they have too be selective what upgrades they do and prioritise. At the sacrifice of other things that possibly trustees/management and themselves would like to do with the websites in terms features. So, I would like to see how we can get other people with technical knowledge to support them, whilst maintaining the security of the website giving people relevant access to work on the website.

One thing that I feel needs overhaul and looking at is the ’Constitution’. Some of you may not be aware of the document this is to govern how the club should be run by the trustees on behalf of the members and the document was originally created in 2011 to pass the club ownership from the founder id:Simon to the members.

This keeps the trustees/management team accountable to the membership of how the club is run overall. It’s a protected document in terms any changes do need a 2/3 agreement by the trustees/management team then notification to members about the changes but its an important document which gives the framework about Collared and the model it should be run by and protection from ensuring the club is run by its original aims and purposes

I believe that this document is outdated and needs be update to reflect having two locations and certain things no longer apply so that would be something I would like to ensure happens.

Even if I don’t get elected I will continue to support Collared as a member and tell others that might not be aware of it. I hope that gives you a bit more about what I would like to do as a trustee there is plenty more and feel free to private message me and speak to me further.

Eddy - Eddy

Hi everyone! I hope lots of you have voted. The trustees are a hugely important part of collared, and it's important that they reflect the wishes of the members, so I high turnout is what we need!

So let's all vote! Ideally for me!


mememe2k3 - Karl

So, I wanted to stand as Trustee for a few reasons.

Firstly, I do feel that we need another Manchester based trustee, now that the Manchester base is getting to 100+ strong each month, I feel we are ripe for expansion. But, being a southerner myself, London holds a special place in my heart which I’m confident I would not overlook.

1) On a Personal note, I am running because I find it difficult to meet people in everyday situations. I get shy and awkward and normally need a friend as a backup. I want to help make collared more accessible for other people that feel this way. For those people out there that want to come, but are worried they won’t know anyone, I want to be a person to help meet and be friends with the first timers, and explorers and the shy and the nervous and help get everyone having fun together!

2) From a business perspective, I feel that my experience owning two small but successful businesses and managing bars, allows me to help best re-invest collared fund money. Meaning we can all work towards bigger and better events, allowing you all to meet more and more kinksters.

3) And on a final perspective and most important reason, I’m running for you. Collared exists to help kinksters like you and I exist in a safe environment. Without you, we don’t have our special Saturdays, or our community and friends that we’ve made through collared, so I want to help build on the already amazing model we have, to help us become bigger, better and funnerer than ever before!

So yeah, I guess that’s me! *waves and wags* If you haven’t already decided on a Trustee, id really appreciate your vote. Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions, or if you want a chat, I’m always about 😃

Luffs and licks, Bellus xx


Yossi - Sam

I guess the main thing I want you guys to know is that I am going to put alot of time and effort into the club. As I said I have experience in running multiple types of events, and I feel that Collared is an event I can both improve, and run with new interesting ideas for the London kink scene.

I want to communicate with the members of the site and the regulars at the club to make sure their needs and wishes are being provided for, while constantly attracting new customers, to make sure the club is kept fresh, new and innovative


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