Current Trustees
Emrys, TheDaddyDagda, NotSproket, UnderwearTailor, MX_Master
A guide to the Collared Constitution
Collared is governed by a document known as a Constitution, which is a set of binding rules governing how the organisation should function. This current version of the document was drawn up by Collared's Trustees and came into effect in March 2023.
Collared is classed as an "Unincorporated Association", meaning that it is not a formal legal structure or a company, nor is it a Trust in the legal meaning of the word. Collared is a loose association of people (who are classed as "Members") with a common interest, and the Constitution is in effect a contract that binds members to certain rights and responsibilities.
The constitution establishes Collared as a non-profit organisation, meaning that the entity cannot be bought or sold and that surplus funds or assets cannot be distributed as profits. That is, no-one can derive financial benefit from Collared (though this does not exclude people being paid by contract or salary if that is the decision of the Trustees).
Collared is bound by founding principles and a number of objectives set out in [1.2] and [1.3]. Trustees are empowered to amend the constitution under the authority of [6.1.1], but these powers are intentionally restricted to ensure that the nature of the organisation cannot be changed. That is, the Trustees cannot change the founding principles or the aims of the organisation. Nor can they change the non-profit restrictions. Importantly, Trustees cannot amend clause [6.1.1], meaning that the core principles of Collared will exist in perpetuity.
The Constitution also enables the establishment of the role of Promoter who in effect takes responsibility for the day to day running of Collared and acts as team leader on behalf of Trustees. The Trustees are not required to appoint a Promoter, but such a role should be regarded as operationally desirable.
The founding principles and the aims are central to the nature of Collared. They centre on the idea of "community" rather than focusing on specific activities. They aspire to an organisation that takes a member-centred, integrated and holistic approach to the organisation's activities. These principles establish a duty of care by Collared toward the wellbeing of its members and, in particular, a responsibility to protect those who are inexperienced and vulnerable.
This central philosophy is critically important to Collared's mandate and was the inspiration for Collared's creation. This is why those objectives have been locked down and cannot be changed.
“Organisation/Event/Brand” refers to the entity Club Collared, otherwise referred to as “Collared”.
“Trustee” means a person appointed by Members to hold the Collared brand and assets in trust.
“Venue Management” refers to the management of the venue whereupon an event is taking place
“Members” refers to those people who have paid for or been granted Membership of Collared, as well as meeting the criteria of [2.1.1].
“Staff” refers to the members/volunteers appointed by Trustees to help carry out an event.
Table of Contents
1 The Organisation
1.1 Name
1.2 Founding Principles
1.3 Aims
2 Members and Membership
2.1 Requirements
2.2 Members Rights
2.3 Privacy of Members
2.4 Ceasing to be a member
3 Trustees
3.1 Responsibilities of Trustees
3.2 Appointment of Trustees
3.3 Trustee Demotion
4 Management
4.1 Management Team
4.2 Management Meetings
5 Assets, Finance and Affiliation
5.1 Assets and Finances
5.2 Affiliation
6 Constitution and Dissolution
6.1 Amendments to the Constitution
7 Appendix
7.1 Adoption of Constitution
7.2 Signatures of Administrative Team Members
1 The Organisation
1.1 Name
1.1.1 The name of the group shall be Club Collared.
1.1.2 At times, the group may refer to itself as simply Collared.
1.2 Founding Principles
Collared was founded on these beliefs:
A) That people wanting to explore a fetish lifestyle should enjoy their activities and their choices without feeling pressure to conform to a stereotype or category and to do so without discrimination by others.
B) It rests on the principles of informed consent, lawful conduct, and mutual respect.
C) Collared strives to protect and nurture the health, safety, and the quality of life for individuals and the kink community.1.3 Aims
1.3.1 The aims of Collared shall be:
A) To establish and operate events, publications, and activities
B) To establish and expand a comprehensive online social environment.
C) To build a strong affiliate programme that provides a wide range of benefits to Members.
D) To build and extend the Collared brand nationally and internationally through event development, franchising, and other activities.
E) To provide support wherever possible to Members and to the Collared environment in general.
F) To do anything considered desirable or necessary in furtherance of the founding principles of Collared.
2 Members and Membership
2.1 Requirements
2.1.1 To be a Member, a person must meet the following criteria:
A) Over the age of eighteen.
B) Identify as Male or are Male presenting.
C) Obtain a Collared membership (either paid for or been granted membership).
D) Agree to follow the house rules of our events, respective venues and digital spaces (rules can be found on the website).
2.2 Members Rights
2.2.1 Being a Unsanctioned Member grants the following rights:
A) Right to attend Collared events.
B) Right to vote in Trustee Election after holding a membership card for three months.
C) Right to stand for the position of Trustee in Elections after holding a membership card for six months.
2.2.2 Although Members collectively own the Collared brand, no financial gain may be provided to Members.
2.2.3 Any Trustee with reasonable cause, may refuse or sanction the right of entry to a Member based on their conduct. Furthermore with a majority of Trustee's approval, a Trustee can then also rescind a Member's membership based on the severity of the members conduct or repeated conduct. This does not entitle the Trustees to discriminate in any way, including but not limited to race, age, belief, or disability. If a membership is rescinded or sanctioned, this can be appealed to another Trustee in writing through the club's website.
2.2.4 Collared is bound by the rules of the venue whereupon the event takes place and as such, the management of the venue have final say in who is barred from their premises under the licensing act.
2.3 Privacy of Members
2.3.1 The Trustees, Promoter and Management Team will hold paramount the privacy of Members and will take all steps to ensure that information security and data protection are central to the operation and administration of Collared.
2.3.2 Personal information will be collected and kept by Collared only to the extent demanded by law. Wherever possible Collared will strive for a policy of anonymity.
2.3.3 Collared agrees that any attempt by authorities to require the collection or disclosure of personal information or identities of Collared Members will be challenged wherever possible, unless legally compelled to.
2.3.4 Member's data will never be sold to any third parties.
2.3.5 How member's data is used and collected can be found on the Privacy Policy page of Collared's website.
2.4 Ceasing to be a member
2.4.1 Members at any point can choose to surrender their membership without reason.
2.4.2 Membership will cease when the Member's membership expires. This can be renewed for one year by paying the annual membership renewal fee.
2.4.3 Membership can also be rescinded from a member with the majority approval of the Trustee's based on the members conduct [2.2.3]
3 Trustees
3.1 Responsibilities of Trustees
3.1.1 The overall responsibility for the wellbeing of the Organisation shall rest with the Trustees who will hold in trust and protect the Collared brand and assets, act on behalf of Members, delegate management responsibility as appropriate and ensure that the terms of this Constitution are seen and promoted.
3.1.2 The role of the Trustees includes but not limited to:
A) Trustees hold and protect the Collared brand and assets in trust for and on behalf of Members.
B) Trustees are to act in consultation with staff and volunteers to ensure the continued growth and prosperity of the organisation, particularly on the aims of Collared [1.3].
C) The Trustees shall have oversight of the overall business of Collared and have authority to take whatever action they consider necessary to improve the viability of Collared and to mitigate risk.
D) Without limiting their scope to take on specific management roles outside their position as Trustee, the role of Trustees is not concerned with management tasks in the conduct of Collared, but to ensure that specific roles are carried into effect properly and lawfully and that the overall management of Collared is efficient, proper, and relevant to Collared's aims. Wherever possible, within their role as Trustees, they should keep a "hands-off" approach to the operation of Collared.
E) The Trustees will - subject to the conditions set out in this document - have the final say in all matters and disputes that cannot be resolved by staff.
F) The Trustees may, by majority agreement after financial autonomy has been agreed as set out in Assets and Finance [5] below, pay any expenses incurred in promoting and running Collared.
G) The Trustees agree that they will follow and formalise the founding principles of Collared as key objectives of Collared,
H) The Trustees will ensure that Collared remains an independent, non-profit community initiative and that they will take steps to ensure that the Collared brand will continue to be owned in trust to them by Collared members.
I) The Trustees agree that Collared's founding principles and aims will be reflected in the operation of Collared events, and to their best ability they will protect the health and safety of members and participants, uphold, and nurture the Collared brand and enforce limitations on entry to the club and involvement in its activities by malicious or disruptive individuals.
J) To further the aims the Organisation the Trustees shall have power to:
J.1) Obtain, collect, and receive money or funds by way of contributions, donations, membership fees, event entry charges, sale of goods, grants, and any other lawful method towards the aims of the Organisation.
J.2) Associate businesses, voluntary organisations, and the kink community in a joint effort to conduct the aims of Collared.
J.3) Do all such lawful things as will further the aims of Collared.
3.2 Appointment of Trustees
3.2.1 Trustees would normally stand for a two-year period, after gaining the highest number of votes in an election. There is no limit to the number of times a member can stand for election.
3.2.2 There shall at any time be at least three Trustees and no more than five Trustees. However, Trustees may by unanimous agreement increase this number prior to a Trustee election.
3.2.3 The group of Trustees should keep an even balance of Trustees from the different Collared event locations where possible, so that no event location has an overwhelming majority of the trustees. Typically two Trustees per event with one floating trustee from any location.
3.2.4 Elections are to take place annually, typically at the start of a new year. Only half of the seats are available for election and the remaining seats for the following year. This is to prevent a potential difficult transition period if there is an all-out change in Trustees.
3.2.5 Members wishing to stand for Trustee must also meet these conditions:
A) Be an active card-carrying member for at least six months prior to voting.
B) Seconded by another active card carry member, whom is neither:
i.Standing for Trustee in the same election.
ii. Already seconding another member for Trustee.
C) If the member is a former Collared team member or trustee, they will need approval from current Trustees. This is to ensure that people who left due to nefarious reasons cannot further disrupt Collared.
3.2.6 Members wishing to vote must meet these conditions:
A) Be a member for at least three months prior to voting.
B) Have registered their membership to an account on the Collared website.
C) Their membership card must be either:
i. Currently active.
ii. Expired no longer than three months prior to the voting date.
3.2.7 Voting will happen on the Collared website and will be clearly communicated on the website, at events, and via social media as appropriate.
3.2.8 If one or more event locations are temporarily unable to run, with majority Trustee agreement, the election can be postponed, until feasibly possible.
3.2.9 A member standing for Trustee may become disqualified if resorting to unfavourable behaviour in the run up to the election. This may include but not limited to, pressuring members for votes, spamming members about voting, and 'buying' member's votes.
3.3 Trustee Demotion
3.3.1 A Trustee may at any time resign without notice or stated reason.
3.3.2 Provided there is unanimous agreement among other Trustees, a Trustee may be removed from office for one of the following reasons:
A) Causing or promoting serious breach of the terms of this Agreement
B) Causing damage or disrepute to Collared.
C) Failure to fulfil their duties over a continuous period of three months without reasonable excuse.
3.3.3 In case of [3.3.1] or [3.3.2], the remaining Trustees, with unanimous agreement, should fill all vacant Trustee seats, within two months, with casual appointees until the next election.
4 Management
4.1 Management Team
4.4.1 Trustees may appoint team members to administrative positions to fulfil functions on behalf of the Trustees.
A) These administrative team members will also need to sign the constitution to agree to uphold the Aims [1.3] and Founding Principles [1.2]. This is to protect against malicious or disruptive conduct by Team Members in positions of power.
B) staff are members/volunteers appointed by Trustees to help carry out an event.This includes, but not limited to tasks such as staffing the cloak room, entry doors, setting up and packing down, cleaning, etc.
C) Administrative positions, may include but not limited to:
I) Treasurer
II) Secretary
III) Webmaster
IV) Administrator
V) Social media manager
VI) Promotor
4.1.2 Promoter
A) The Promoter will be responsible on behalf of the Trustees for overall management and development of the Organisation and carrying into effect any business strategy agreed in consultation with the Trustees. He will also be responsible for external activities and putting into effect the aims of the Organisation with regard to future growth
B) The role of Promoter is also to assist and advise operations rather than directly manage them. While the Trustees will ensure that adequate management is in place, the Promoter's role will be to support and have direct oversight of that management.
C) The Promoter may be removed by unanimous agreement of the Trustees who may then appoint another person to the role or divide that role among themselves.
D) The Trustees are not required to appoint a Promoter, but such a role should be regarded as operationally desirable.
4.2 Management Meetings
4.2.1 Trustees are expected to meet every three months; these are open meetings that all club members and team members are welcome to attend. This is to review the club's finances and activities, and any other matter that arises. The quorum for a quarterly meeting is two thirds of Trustees must be present.
4.2.2 Sections of the meeting may be closed to the members if a discussion that would breach the privacy rules of the club has to take place in said section of the meeting.
4.2.3 These quarterly meetings should be minuted for future reference. It is up to the current standing Trustees, as to whether any version of the minutes are made publicly available to the members. However, members may receive a copy of the minutes upon written request to a trustee. If any minutes are made publicly available, upon majority vote, sections of the trustee meeting minutes can be redacted to protect member privacy etc.
4.2.4 The quarterly meetings can be postponed or cancelled under exceptional circumstances upon unanimous agreement by all Trustees.
4.2.5 Trustees also have the right to meet privately outside of the quarterly meetings if they so choose.
5 Assets, Finance and Affiliation
5.1 Assets and Finances
5.1.1 The Collared brand and entity are held in Trust and cannot be sold or transferred under any circumstance.
5.1.2 Assets other than the brand may be sold or their value traded if any resulting value or benefit is invested into Collared's activities.
5.1.3 The income and property of the organisation, however derived, shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of Collared as set forth in this document and no portion of this shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise howsoever by way of profit to the Trustees or members.
5.1.4 Each event location will have complete autonomy over its own individual assets and finances, which is separate to other events. This should cover (but not limited to) the running of events, promotions, new equipment, prizes, and similar expenses.
5.1.5 The Trustees based at the event will have the final say over its own assets and finances, with the other location Trustees only having a brief oversight and will only step in if there is something improper, or to break a stalemate.
5.1.6 Joint expenses such as running of the website, membership cards and national advertising are split evenly between different location funds.
5.1.7 There will be a final fund (prep H) in cases of emergency, which will require agreement from all Trustees for the funds to be spent.
5.2 Affiliation
5.2.1 The club should try to affiliate with like-minded businesses and other events as part of the aims [1.3] of the club.
5.2.2 The affiliation should offer good and reasonable benefits to our members, in return we should then help promote the affiliate and work with them when possible.
5.2.3 All affiliates should be listed on our website, under the Membership Perks page.
5.2.4 All Venues and Events should be on the website with appropriate promotional information made available.
6 Constitution and Dissolution
6.1 Amendments to the Constitution
6.1.1 The Trustees may by unanimous agreement vary or amend the terms of this Constitution provided that:
A) All staff have been consulted and have also agreed by at least two thirds majority.
B) The changes are then published on the Collared website.
C) That the changes do not in any way limit:
I) The scope or intent of the founding principles [1.2]
II) The aims of the organisation [1.3]
III) The rights and responsibilities of Trustees and the Promoter
IV) Limitations on sale or transfer of the Collared brand
V) The prohibition on profit distribution to Trustees or Members
VI) The limitations set out in this clause. [6.1.1]
6.2 Dissolution
6.2.1 Collared may be dissolved under the following conditions:
A) All Trustees agree, with the support of at least two thirds of current staff.
B) A special meeting convened specifically to consider such a motion to be organised by a Trustee with at least thirty days' notice to the Trustees.
C) If dissolution is agreed, the Trustees shall distribute any assets, remaining after the payment of all bills, to organisation(s) having similar aims to Collared, or to registered charities as decided by the current standing trustees/staff.