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Take a moment to read this!

You now have full access to all areas of the Collared site. This means you can check out club info, browse the video and picture galleries, post on forums, message and search other users and become part of our amazing community of kinksters.

First thing to do is scan our site map so you know exactly what the Collared site has to offer. 

If you aren't already familiar with the club events organised by Collared, check out the events section of the site. These are by far the friendliest and most fun kink events in the UK.

Before you start though, please set up a profile then post a "hello I'm a newbie" thread on the forums. It will take only a couple of minutes and it will make you SO much more attractive to other members. And it's fun. If you're uploading pics why not enter some in our £2,000 competition. You've got nothing to lose!

And if you don't set up a proper profile Dr Evil will torment you until you submit

Happy kinking!

The Collared Team